Improving Productivity
My role at Vilocity allows me to be a part of a multitude of projects. Currently I have no set meeting schedules with my teams for my projects in development. There is an opportunity to introduce meeting routines, eliminating project delays, gaining operational efficiency, and improving team morale.

- establish consistent meeting routines
- ensure all meetings have an agenda
- provide structure to project management
- provide transparency for the team

Communication Structure
- Team Meetings – The foundation of my communication structure is setting regular project team meetings both project kick-offs and status updates.
- One-on-Ones – Establishing monthly personal checkins with every team member on workload, highs/lows, questions and priorities.
- Wrike (PM Tool) – Any project communication or update will be done solely in Wrike so that all involved with the project will be kept up to date.
Benefits of Consistency, Communication, and Structure
My goal is to create a solid foundation of reliable communication touch points for the team so that everyone feels heard and kept up to date on projects. This will increase productivity and avoid duplicity due to team members having all information they need to complete projects on a consistent basis and no need to redo work because of confusion.
My blog has a few specific strategies to improve the project communication and team structure to increase productivity, workplace morale and client satisfaction.
5415 E. High Street
Suite 260
Phoenix, AZ 85054